Highland Club is a family owned and operated business that has been supplying the export markets now for over forty years, originally under the parent company name of Charles Austin.

The business was founded in Nottingham, in the city's Old Lace Market area, in 1967 with the aim of producing top quality, 5 and 3 gauge hand-framed sweaters in natural fibres. The range has been expanded since then and now includes accessories such as knitted caps, scarves, capes and shawls. Again, these are all made from completely natural fibres, utilising wool, silk, cotton and cashmere blends. Our brand can be found in high quality stores and specialist mail order companies across Japan and Europe.

The machinery has also been updated and, while there is still some hand-frame production, we have had to bring in electronically controlled machines to cope with the sometimes complicated work required in today's fashion market..

The business relocated to Leicestershire, the centre of the U.K. textile industry, in the year 2000 to give us access to the large pool of highly skilled staff available here. At about this time we also acquired the Dulyn brand which complemented our own production.

The aims of the company remain exactly as originally stated, to produce top quality knitwear with experienced staff using the finest materials available and every garment or accessory leaving the premises is guaranteed unconditionally.

Dulyn Knitwear Ltd

                                           Highland club Knitwear incorporating Dulyn knitwear Ltd

we work with designers and stores to achieve the perfect garment or accessory you envisaged.

We offer exclusivity if required, we can supply various labels or are very happy to use customers own brands.

All our products are licensed and come with the trusted British wool License swing ticket 

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